Friday, April 20, 2012

Braces: A True Test of Confidence!

The road to Miss California has not always been a smooth one: in an effort to quickly straighten my pearly whites for the competition, I went and had the old-fashioned metal braces put on my teeth! Being 23 and having braces has proven to be quite tough: it has affected my ability to form some consonants when I sing and speak, and they HURT SO BAD because they are extra tight (to see faster results...)!! Along with all this pain, however, has come growth: having braces has truly tested my strength and inner confidence. The first week I had them I avoided social events and any form of smiling where they might stick out... I was embarrassed to smile... but then I realized: what, really, is so embarrassing about my braces? I have many friends who after several years still have braces, and I don't look at them differently for it... so why should I view myself differently for having them? My beauty doesn't come from whether or not I have metal on my teeth- it comes from my inner awareness and love of who I am; braces will never change that!
That is why I am so thankful for the opportunity to be Miss VC: I have already learned so many valuable life lessons when I least expected to- and I have become much more aware of who I am as a person and how truly beautiful (braces or not!) I am.  <3

P.S. I've gone RED!! It's taking some getting used to- but I LOVE it!! More photos to come!! =)

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