Tuesday, July 31, 2012

25th Annual Wine and Food Festival

This past Sunday, I attended the 25th Annual Wine and Food Festival in Camarillo to volunteer my services working the Land Rover Jaguar booth! Land Rover Jaguar of Ventura has graciously agreed to  supply my parade cars for the remainder of my service as Miss Ventura County! Woo-hoo! So I was more than happy to help them out at the festival!
The Wine and Food Festival is an annual gathering of major wineries, breweries, and restaurants with the purpose of networking their specialties to the community. There were also some amazing dessert booths and olive oil vendors. Overall, it turned out to be a beautiful day and a very fun event! =)

Watching Over My Future Parade Car! =P
Making New Friends at the Ventura County Star
Me with the Owners of Cantara Cellars
My glass appropriately only had water! Haha =)

3rd Annual DiverCities Program!

This past Saturday, I had the opportunity to represent Ventura County in the San Gabriel Valley! I was invited to sing the National Anthem at the 3rd Annual DiverCities event in Rosemead hosted by Congresswoman Judy Chu! The program honored local businesses, volunteers, activists, and non-profit organizations for their outstanding contributions to the community. The day started off with a welcome from El Monte Councilwoman Norma Macias, the presentation of the colors by the Greater El Monte Post VFW, the National Anthem, and a Dragon dance performed by the Won Tai-Sen Dance Group! Following a brief interlude to grab appetizers and drinks, Congresswoman Chu discussed some political issues she has been taking on in Washington, including improving the national public transportation systems. Then awards were presented to Businessman and Businesswoman of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Community Activists of the Year, and Non-Profits of the Year. Each of their stories was so inspiring to me and a motivation to really get more active in Ventura County!

The Dragon Dance!

Congresswoman Chu Addressing the Audience
Congresswoman Chu with All of the Award Recipients!
Receiving my Certificate! SUCH an honor! =)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

3rd of July Fireworks Spectacular!

The 3rd of July event in Moorpark is a rich tradition in the community and one that I look forward to attending every year. But for me, this year was different: I had the honor and joy of attending the fireworks event as Miss Ventura County!!
I, with my fellow local and community titleholders, walked around the event taking pictures and talking with various families about life, about independence, and about the inspirational organization I am a part of (Miss America! Woo!); it was not only a wonderful bonding experience with my fellow titleholders- it was an incredible opportunity to get to know the foundation of my hometown and what I represent when I dawn my crown and sash: the people of Ventura County! =)

Miss CA Princesses Ashley and Alyssa Horton; Miss VCOT Amanda Ford; Miss Simi Valley Shelby Herzig, Miss Twin Counties Sarah Salazar, Miss Culver City OT Olivia Sichmeller, Miss Teen Simi Valley Taylor Thompson

We all HAD to do a jump picture!! =)
Me with My Wonderful Teen <3 
Me with Miss Teen Moorpark Emily Gratke and Miss Moorpark Sydney Campbell
Me Hanging Out with Some Great Girls! =)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Miss California Pageant, Part 5: KMPH TV!

On Wednesday morning, my roommate and I volunteered to do an interview with the local Fox-affiliated news station KMPH! We gathered with some other fellow contestants in the lobby of the theatre at 8 a.m., where we participated in a game-show like segment that tested our knowledge of the State of California! Split into So Cal vs. Nor Cal, I got 3 out of my 4 questions right and helped lead my team to victory! It was SO much fun- a good warm-up for the Onstage Question Competition I had that evening! It was also a great bonding opportunity for my roommate and me  =)

This is Kayla Bailey reporting...! =)

Filming the segment!! SO much fun!! =D

The Teams with Clayton, Our Awesome Anchor and Game Show Host! Haha =)

The Miss California Pageant, Part 4: The Final Night!

And finally, the big night: the crowning of our new Miss California 2012!!
The opening number established the theme of the 1940s and patriotism; it was SO much fun to dance! Each contestant also got an introduction each night of preliminaries and the final night of competition, which I thought was really wonderful! 

Me with Some Fellow Alpha Sisters!
Me & Miss Victor Valley Bethany Richardson =)

Getting Introduced to the Audience!

Noelle Coming Onstage to Announce the Top 15!

At the end of this opening, however, Noelle and Ariana (Miss CA '10) announced the top 15 semi-finalists that would compete that evening for the title... when they called the names of the semi-finalists, I, of course, was hoping to hear my name; however, all I really wanted to hear were the names of 15 ladies that understood the nature of the job (one of service and sacrifice) and that were willing to hit the ground running with it. Although my name was not called, I was for the most part very pleased with the judges' choices and was excited to see who would take home the crown! The top 15 competed in swimwear, then were narrowed to 12; the top 12 competed in talent, then were narrowed to 10; the top 10 competed in evening wear, then were narrowed to 5... and then the top 5 answered a political question and were ranked, leaving a winner standing with the title of Miss California 2012!
The 43 of us who did not make it to the semi-finals got the opportunity to watch the rest of the night's competition and eat ice cream, which was very fun (and, after not having ice cream for four months, tasted amazing!)! We cheered on all of the girls and were finally brought back onstage for the final moment... the top 2 were both wonderful women: Miss South Coast Crystal Lee and Miss Southern California Regional Leah Cecil. Both ladies were genuinely kind, respectful, and nice to all of the contestants backstage; I felt a real warmth from both of them, and I feel honored to have both them in my life as friends of mine! Either lady would have been an incredible Miss California... but there could only be one, and the judges selected Leah! Since she was first runner-up last year, it was a real pleasure getting to see her come back and win!
Following the crowning, there was a final gala in which the contestants appeared in their evening gowns and were escorted in by an escort (mostly fathers) and introduced individually. From there, lots of pictures were taken, and lots of food was consumed! It was also a time for me to congratulate Leah on her success and chat candidly with our panel of judges, all of which were very nice people!

My Reaction to the Announcement of Leah's win!
Congratulating Leah Right After the Announcement!
My Dad Escorting Me into the Final Gala!
The Miss Moorpark/Simi Crew! =)
Me with Miss CA '12 Leah! What a class act! <3

The Miss California Pageant, Part 3: Preliminaries!

The preliminary competitions take place over four separate nights of pageantry and performances at the theatre. Depending on your lottery selected group, you compete in one area of competition each night. Following each preliminary night, there were visitation receptions, where the contestants got to visit with their families, visit with their committees, and got to take fun pictures with fellow contestants, friends, and family!
The first night of preliminary competition for my group was the Swimsuit Competition! I was VERY proud to rock my black one-piece swimsuit! I received dozens of complements backstage on the elegance and class of my swimsuit choice, and I couldn't have been happier with how it went! The only downer: I got so caught up in the events of the first preliminary night that I completely forgot to take a photo in the swimsuit... my bad! I can guarantee, though, that it looked AMAZING!! =)

My Family and Me at the First Visitation Reception!

My Roomie and Me! =)

           The second night of competition for me was my onstage question... I was SO nervous!! But I ended up getting asked what I look for in a political candidate... not too bad, right? When you're onstage with all of the lights in your face and feeling pressure from the presence of the audience and the judges, it goes by in such a foggy blur... but I said something along the lines of honesty, respect, faith, and the ability to bring the political parties together in common agreement so that laws could get passed and things could get done... not too bad! =)

My Committee and My Teen!

My Teen and Me; I love Amanda! =)
           The third night was one of my favorites: evening wear!! My amazing grandparents bought me my dark blue Scala gown, and I couldn't be happier about my gown choice, my walk, and my and performance on the stage! I got lots of compliments from everyone backstage, including our new Miss California, Leah Cecil, who said she would wear it herself!! =D

My Evening Gown!! <3

Even Pageant Girls Goof Off! =P

Me with Some Lovely Ladies! =)
Solo Pose!

 And on Friday night, I performed my German art song for the judges in the Talent Competition. It went swimmingly!! The lighting crew at the theatre was amazing, they made the stage look like a fantasy garden-- very appropriate, considering my gown choice and the concept of the song I performed... it was SUCH a wonderful experience singing on such a huge stage in front of such a warm crowd!! =)
In addition to the final night of preliminary competition for us "Miss" contestants, Friday was also the finals for Miss California's Outstanding Teen!! Unfortunately my Teen did not make the top 10- but I am SO proud of all of the hard work she put into her preparation!! Grace Lee Grant, Miss Golden Gate's OT, won the 2012 crown; she was very gracious and sweet and took a picture backstage with me; afterward, she leaned in and thanked me for helping her with her walk (I had helped a group of teens during a dinner break; I didn't initially realize when she won that she was in the group!)! It was a memorable moment and a reminder that the small, undeclared good deeds don't go unnoticed...  =)

My Talent Outfit!
Performing My Aria!
Me with Grace, Miss CA OT '12!

My Parents and Me!
Me with my Beautiful Princesses, Alyssa and Ashley Horton!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Miss California Pageant, Part 2: Interview, BBQ, and Rotary!

Immediately following the Mayor's Welcome, I was whisked back to the hotel to change and freshen up for my interview. About two months ago, the contestants participated in an online lottery to determine our order; I was unfortunately third to last to select my spot, so I got stuck as contestant #1 in my group. In regard to the category of interview, this meant that I was THE FIRST interview out of all 58 ladies... talk about pressure!! I was naturally very nervous, but I took comfort in trusting in my training and trusting in myself. The entire interview was such a blur to me; as a result, I can never really know how the interview actually went... but looking back I believe I did the best that I could given the circumstances I was under, and that gives me comfort! =)
After the first round of interviews, the contestants got to enjoy some downtime at a barbeque! Hosted by the Lester family, the barbeque was at an incredibly beautiful estate that had an adorable little swing we all took pictures on! It was a wonderful opportunity to eat some great food provided by the local Kiwanis of Fresno, have some fun singing karaoke, and get to know my fellow contestants a little bit more =)  another perk: I didn't have to dress myself- Blush Boutique in Moorpark provided my entire outfit! Thank you, Blush, I got lots of complements!
Since I was in the first interview group, I then had the opportunity to relax a little bit while the rest of the ladies had their interviews. The Miss contestants also had the opportunity over the next two days to attend two wonderfully entertaining Rotary events: a dinner reception and a Rotary lunch and meeting. Both were very fun! I had the opportunity to talk to some of the incredible members of the Rotary Club of the City of Fresno, who were all very kind and welcoming to me! In addition, we had rehearsals to review our opening dance routines and get ready for the four nights of preliminaries and the final night of competition!

My Interview Outfit!

Noelle and Me Right Before My Interview!

My Picture on the Famous Swing! =)

Me with Some Rotary Members at the Reception