Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Christmas Caroling @ Simi Valley Hospital!

Me with All of My Wonderful Friends! =)
On December 18, some of my friends and pageant sisters joined me in singing Christmas songs and carols in the main entrance lobby of the Simi Valley Hospital! Unfortunately, we were unable to carol door to door due to health and safety reasons; however, our caroling was broadcast on the live radio that circulated into every room of the hospital- so our voices reached all of the patients! =)
It was a LOT of fun! My friends and I shared our favorite Christmas songs and told stories behind our favorites; it was so rewarding to spread Christmas spirit to those who may not have been in a joyful holiday mood <3

With my Beautiful Teen!
With Veronica Sichmeller, One of Our
Fabulous Miss VC 2013 Contestants!
With Miss City of LA and Dear Friend
Laura Berger <3
With Dear Friend and Fellow Voice Teacher
Jeanette O'Keefe!

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