Sunday, January 20, 2013

Moorpark Foundation for the Arts: Official Talent Scholarship Sponsor!

Nancy and Me with Executive Director Hugh Riley
and Foundation Board Member Michael W. Marion!

A HUGE thank you to Moorpark Foundation for the Arts for their incredible donation of two talent scholarships: $300 for our Top Miss Talent, $200 for our Top Teen Talent!! The Miss America Organization is one of the few pageant organization that not only puts an importance on talent: it is the most highly weighted score in the entire competition (35%)!! So it is only fitting that the Top Talent winners receive some scholarship funding to keep perfecting their craft through their education-- and on top of that, it is even MORE fitting that Moorpark Foundation for the Arts has provided the funding!!
Moorpark Foundation for the Arts supports and promotes the arts throughout the community of Moorpark, particularly in the High Street Arts Center. It has been such a pleasure helping them this year, particularly with their annual fundraiser! Thank you SO much for your incredible, wonderful support!! Check out their website for more information, including showtimes and ticket information on the High Street Arts Center's upcoming production of Aida!

Moorpark Chamber of Commerce January Mixer

On January 8, I attended the Moorpark Chamber of Commerce Mixer hosted by Insurance Brokers West in Moorpark with my director, Nancy Gruttemeyer! It was a lively mixer, full of fun people, great networking, and a celebration of IBW's Five-Year Anniversary! I had a particularly good time talking with a lovely little girl who loved my crown; I just HAD to let her try it on!! =)

Her Crowning Moment...!!
All smiles!!  =)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

EPIC Fitness: Official Trainer to Miss Ventura County!

Me with Adam Berezowsky, CPT and
Owner of EPIC Fitness!
When I was crowned Miss Ventura County 2012, I knew I had some BIG responsibilities, one of them being to get into great shape for the Miss California Physical Fitness Competition... and when debating on how I was going to get into fantastic shape, I didn't know where to start- until Nancy, my Executive Director, purchased a BOGOPOD deal online for a boot camp program in Simi Valley. Little did I know how much my life was about to change... see, I had tried many other programs and methods of getting into shape and staying in shape, but nothing I tried really got me where I needed to be for Miss California; but after three months of attending Adam's EPIC Fitness Boot Camp classes, some additional personal training sessions, and eating according to Adam's recommendations, I was in THE BEST shape I have ever been in- truly, EVER, I went from an 8 to a 2 (check out my AMAZING results below)!! Even after Miss California, I have continued to work out with EPIC Fitness to not only continue to stay in shape- but to continue to have FUN doing it!!  =)
And now, EPIC Fitness has become the official physical fitness sponsor for Miss Ventura County!!! YaY!!! Not only did Adam donate a $50 scholarship to our Physical Fitness competition winner: he will have Miss Ventura County 2013 participate in his boot camp program absolutely FREE!! That is an incredible opportunity for our 2013 winner, I couldn't be more excited to work out alongside whoever she may be!!
So I'd like to give a HUGE thank you to Adam and everyone with EPIC Fitness, who in my journey have become like family to me; I appreciate all of your faith and encouragement in every obstacle I have had to overcome and your continued support for our organization as I pass on my crown!! <3

Working Out at EPIC Fitness!
Workin' it! Haha =)

Kiwanis Club of Moorpark Visit & Presentation

Barbara and Me with
Kiwanis President Kim Simons!
After singing the National Anthem for the Thousand Oaks High School Girls Varsity Soccer game, I went straight to the Kiwanis Club of Moorpark meeting held in the Chamber of Commerce office in Moorpark! I had been invited to attend the meeting and speak about my year as Miss Ventura County, what's coming up for our organization in 2013, and how we'd like Kiwanis to be a part of it. Overall I spoke for about 15 minutes, then took questions; it was a LOT of fun! Barbara from ____ also gave a presentation on a anew form of education for the next generation of young students that was very enlightening; it was great to see her again! 
Overall is was a great evening; everyone in Kiwanis was very welcoming and eager to learn about "Pageant Land," and I was more than excited to have the opportunity to give them the inside scoop!

With Barbara, President Kim Simons,
and Several Kiwanis Members

TOHS Girls Varsity Soccer Game National Anthem!

Singing the Anthem on the Field!
On January 7, I had the honor and pleasure of singing the National Anthem to kick off one of the Girls Varsity Soccer games at Thousand Oaks High School! Everyone there was very welcoming; it was a lot of fun singing for them! I don't get a lot of opportunities to sing the National Anthem, so I was more than happy to visit TOHS and sing for their game!! I gotta tell you, though: I was doing my best to stay balanced, but it was very hard... my heels were sinking into that grass!! And it was VERY cold on that soccer field; it was about 40 degrees that night!! I admire all of the soccer players that had to run around in the cold after I finished singing and retreated to the heater in my car!! Haha =)

Note My Sinking Heels...!!
Finished! It was a success =)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Continuing to Make Their Mark: Morgan & Chloe Visit Muvico!

Hangin' with Morgan and Chloe
At Our Awesome Booth!
 On January 6, I reunited with Morgan and Chloe at the Muvico Theatre in Thousand Oaks to raise further awareness for Children's Hospital Los Angeles and to continue to sell their handmade bookmarks and bracelets! It was a fun afternoon; a lot of moviegoers showed their support for the girls, and we all had fun sitting and talking together! Morgan and Chloe are two incredibly kind and compassionate young ladies, making a difference one bookmark and bracelet at a time! =)

In Action!  =)
Two Great Girls Doing Wonderful Things!

PJ Reading Night @ Moorpark Library!

With Some of My Wonderful Audience!
Last week, I made my first appearance in the New Year at the Moorpark City Library! I've spent several mornings and evenings as a guest reader for the Moorpark Library- but this time I got to come in my PJs as part of their Pajama Reading Night, sharing some of my favorite bedtime story books such as Grandfather Twilight and The Napping House (where everyone is sleeping!). The kids seemed very enthusiastic about the books that I read, and I was more than excited to return to the Moorpark Library and share my love for reading! =)
To keep updated on the special events at the Moorpark City Library, check out their website and their  Facebook page!

Reading "Grandfather Twilight"
Reading "The Napping House"

California Kettle Corn: Official Miss VC Sponsor!

Me with Richard Buchalter,
Owner of California Kettle Corn!
I am pleased to announce that California Kettle Corn is now an official sponsor for the Ventura/Santa Barbara County Scholarship Association!
Based in Newbury Park, California Kettle Corn provides yummy hand-popped kettle corn to the Ventura County community, selling individual bags at various festivals and markets and cups of their innovative flavors of specialty kettle corn inside their Newbury Park store- where you can also get fresh specialty lemonade and shaved ice! Some uniquely tasty flavors include blue raspberry, cheddar, and green apple!
In addition to providing 35 bags of kettle corn for this year's judges and staff, California Kettle Corn owner Richard Buchalter has also donated towards our scholarship fund! Check out their website for more information, including a list of markets where they frequent:
A BIG thank you to Richard and the California Kettle Corn family for their incredibly generous support of our scholarship association! Without your support, we would not be here! <3

Go get a bag today!

Miss & Teen Bonding Day: Disneyland!!

What I love about my local organization is how closely knit our Miss program is with the Teen program! Amanda has become the little sister I never had; it has been SO amazing watching her grow into a beautiful, graceful young lady throughout our year of service- and I am SO glad we've become such good friends! We decided that before we give up our titles we should have a "Bonding Day;" no crowns, no sashes- just some good clean fun enjoying being with each other... and what better place to bond and have some fun than at Disneyland?? =)

By Fellow Princess Sleeping Beauty's Castle!
Goofin' Off in the Hat Shop! LoL!
The Beautifully Lit It's a Small World Clock!

Miss California Send-Off Party!

It was my honor and pleasure to attend the send-off party for our beautiful Miss California, Leah Cecil! Held at the Baldwin house in Fullerton, it was a lovely afternoon full of catching up with several of my fellow Miss California 2012 contestants and committee executive directors. I also had the opportunity to catch up with Bob Arnhym, the CEO of the Miss California Organization! But the main event was watching the "dress parade"- Leah modeled ALL of her Miss America outfits!! From her arrival outfit to her evening gown, we had the pleasure and privilege of getting to see everything before she left for Miss America!! Which is why I don't have very many photos to show here... haha =)
Overall it was such a wonderful afternoon that I felt SO excited and honored to be a part of!! <3

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Boys and Girls Club of Ventura Christmas Party!

Everyone with the Boys and Girls Club
On December 21, I visited the Boys and Girls Club of Ventura to help with their annual Christmas Party! In addition to writing letters to Santa, enjoying a pizza lunch, and watching a demo by the Ventura County K-9 Unit, the kids sang Christmas carols with a guest guitarist and then got to visit with Santa, receive a wrapped book from me, and then pick a stuffed toy from underneath the Christmas tree! It was another opportunity for me to get into the Christmas spirit through seeing the joy on those children's faces... for some of these children, these are the only gifts they will receive this Christmas; for those volunteering and witnessing these children, it definitely puts things in perspective.
There was one particular child that put things into perspective for me and touched my spirit: every child got to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas. A lot of children wanted computers, an iPad, a video game, or a particular toy of some sort, like dolls or a play set. A small little girl came up to Santa and instead asked for her grandmother to be there at Christmastime and for her family to get along on Christmas Day...
Sometimes around the Holidays, we get so lost in the Holiday "To-Do List;" needing to get all the shopping done; needing to decorate the house perfectly; needing to purchase and cook all of the food for visiting family and friends... that we can lose sight of what's really important: family, loved ones, thankfulness- the true spirit of the Holidays! That little girl served as a reminder for me to be grateful for all of the wonderful, loving people in my life: my family, my friends, my Miss VC family, my CSUN Music family- and to remember that it is not about the tree, the presents, or even the delicious Christmas food and sweets we all love; rather, it is about love, joy, thankfulness, and the true Holiday spirit! <3

Kids Visiting with Santa, Receiving a Present
From Me, Then Picking a Present from
Under the Tree
The Kids Singing Christmas Carols!
With One of the Volunteers
and Our Christmas Goodies!

Christmas Caroling @ Simi Valley Hospital!

Me with All of My Wonderful Friends! =)
On December 18, some of my friends and pageant sisters joined me in singing Christmas songs and carols in the main entrance lobby of the Simi Valley Hospital! Unfortunately, we were unable to carol door to door due to health and safety reasons; however, our caroling was broadcast on the live radio that circulated into every room of the hospital- so our voices reached all of the patients! =)
It was a LOT of fun! My friends and I shared our favorite Christmas songs and told stories behind our favorites; it was so rewarding to spread Christmas spirit to those who may not have been in a joyful holiday mood <3

With my Beautiful Teen!
With Veronica Sichmeller, One of Our
Fabulous Miss VC 2013 Contestants!
With Miss City of LA and Dear Friend
Laura Berger <3
With Dear Friend and Fellow Voice Teacher
Jeanette O'Keefe!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Moorpark Kiwanis Breakfast with Santa!

With Two Wonderful Kids!
On December 15, I acted as Santa's Helper and volunteered for the annual Breakfast with Santa event sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Moorpark! Held at the Boys and Girls Club in Moorpark, the event included some tasty breakfast for the families in attendance, along with a visit and photo with Santa, candy canes and a photo op with Miss Ventura County, and the chance to pick out a toy from the toy table! It was a LOT of fun and SUCH a joy and blessing to watch the faces of the kids that visited Santa and then picked out their favorite toy!
To be honest, I was struggling with getting into the Christmas spirit this season. Between finals at CSUN and figuring out holiday plans with my family, Christmas was beginning to feel like something to get through rather than something to enjoy and be thankful for... but appearing at this event, seeing the incredible looks of joy and happiness on the faces of the kids and their families... it really put me in the Christmas spirit! I am so grateful to have had a part in this incredible event that brings joy and Christmas to families who otherwise may not have been able to have it.

With My Candy Canes by the Christmas Tree!
The Kids Visiting Santa...
...and Me Visiting Santa! Haha =)
With Kiwanis President
Kim Simons!

Hugging My Own Special Toy! =)
Posing with Santa and the MHS Jazz Band!