Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Simi Valley Hospital Foundation Golf Tournament!

On Wednesday, October 24, I had the pleasure of volunteering for the Simi Valley Hospital Foundation  Golf Tournament and Fundraiser! Held at the Moorpark Country Club, I spent the afternoon driving about the two golf courses with Foundation Development Officer Abby Sherwood and greeting the golf players, collecting camera memory cards from the volunteer tournament photographers... and taking a few pictures with the golfers myself! Several awesome golf players even let me hit a stroke for them! Although I'm not sure that was entirely in their score's best interest... haha! =)
Unfortunately I was unable to stay for the evening festivities due to a dress rehearsal for my fall opera production... but I had such a fun afternoon getting to know more about the hospital through Abby and meeting the wonderful golfers who supported the tournament through sponsorships and donations!
To find out more about the hospital and how to get involved, visit their volunteer page by clicking here!

With Some Wonderful Volunteers on the Golf Course!
Driving the Golf Cart! Haha =)
With Some Very Friendly Golfers! =)
Taking a Shot!! =D
A Hilarious Team of Entertaining Golfers...!
I had no club... so they all handed me their clubs! LoL =P
With Foundation President Debi Schultze and Development Officer Abby Sherwood

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