Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chaparral Middle School Visit!

On October 4, I visited my alma mater (once upon a time), Chaparral Middle School! I was their first guest speaker in their new "Speaker Connection" program which will invite outside organizations to come and speak about what they do for the community and offer words of inspiration and/or advice to the students. I got the opportunity to talk about my entire pageant journey, my year as Miss Ventura County 2012, and how pageantry taught me invaluable life lessons such as how to handle disappointment and loss, how to interview, and how to take the high road in everyday life situations. I had a slideshow and everything, it felt so official!
Overall, it was a very surreal experience going back to my middle school and speaking to the students... before my presentations, I walked around the campus; looking around, I could see my 8th grade self hanging with all of my friends at the cafeteria, running to math class, trying to finish my history homework before next period... and then here I was today, TEN YEARS later, giving life advice to these students... I guess it served as proof that time definitely flies and that I am at that place in my life where I can give very useful advice to young students! An eye-opening experience to say the least! <3

Going Over My Service Projects as Miss VC =)
I was asked to explain my pins! SO fun! =)
Talking About the Life Lessons Learned Through Pageantry! 
Signing Autographs for the Kids! =)
With Principal Delery! <3
With the 7th-8th Graders! GREAT group of kids! =)

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